Sonnet # 3

A faithless wife led to love’s auction.

You cast her off as a bird does a feather,

Which would result in elevation and instruction

Of a bride-in-waiting, from the Jewish tribe, named Esther.

Her father Mordecai led her to the throne.

He took care to instruct… trust his devoted daughter.

Your nuptials would be well invested. Mordecai, alone…

Concealed… saved your life, though he faced strife thereafter.

Haman paralleled in rising and demanded service,

Which Mordecai declined to offer, so Haman schemed against him… his tribe,

Which he soon discovered… delivered to Esther. Esther said you owed a service

To your savior. You pondered. Haman boasted. His scheming started to unwind.

You soon uncovered Haman’s scheme and had him hung… praised Esther’s father

… His tribe. All was saved from watchful words…the heeding to a lover.

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